Co-authored by Prof. Carlo Ventura, M.D, & James Ryan
When you hear of the term biometrics, you likely think of security. The tendency is to associate it with identity verification and access to devices, buildings, or data. But biometrics also has both health and security implications of the emerging bio-science technologies arena.
Biometrics is a technical term for body measurements and calculations. We will, therefore, develop new metrics related to human characteristics. As a result, biometrics authentication will need novel, unprecedented “keys” for realistic authentication. We will face the needs for more accurate Biometrics identifiers, a unique mix of devices and specialized software capable to acquire biometric parameters: not only the face, voice, skin, eyes, veins, and so on, but even the healthy, or non-healthy parameters, as well as all the metrics expressing healing processes, as those induced by the new intelligent devices used to elicit tissue regeneration and reverse aging processes.
The (re)volution of Artificial Intelligence in the next few years will see the merging of artificial circuitries with signatures of our biological intelligence, retrieved in the form of electric, magnetic, and mechanical transductions.
Biometrics will become the novel territory where biomolecular recognition patterning will meet a person’s recognition of an unprecedented holistic approach to secure precision well-being and healing. The (re)volution of Artificial Intelligence in the next few years will see the merging of artificial circuitries with signatures of our biological intelligence, retrieved in the form of electric, magnetic, and mechanical transductions. Retrieving these signatures will be like taking pieces of cells (including our tissue-resident stem cells) in the form of “code” for their healthy, diseased or healing states, or a code for their ability to differentiate into all the mature cells of our body. This process will represent an unprecedented form of taking a glimpse of human identity.
During embryogenesis, we evolve through a miracle: shaping of forms which entail function(s) and express the intelligence of a program; a sort of dynamic in(ward)-formation, an “information” ensuing into a neonate human being.
After birth, all the mechanisms that contributed to “make” us during the embryonic stage continue operating to maintain human identity. Human identity is the expression of a continuously evolving form of a seemingly infinity of rhythms. These rhythms are fashioned at the molecular and cellular level to make our cells living as cardiac, neuronal, skeletal muscle and all the mature cells contributing to the landscape of our tissues, and organs, and the whole body itself. This cellular identity is the result of a highly dynamic informational process.
In the next decade, we will witness novel libraries, made of evolving informational data of our health or diseased states. Most important, we will be able to develop physic codes (electric, magnetic, mechanical) able to reprogram in situ our tissue-resident stem cells to boost self-healing mechanisms. “Pieces” of stem cell codes will go into machines, MINARs (Multi-frequency Inducers of Nano-architechtonics Reprogramming), acting as an actuator that will use a part of you, an intelligent part of you, to treat you and regenerate a damaged tissue, or making cellular senescence a reversible process.
As we transverse the 4th Industrial Revolution, and the networks of newly developing economies we need novel methods to trace and protect human identity, operating at its multifaceted way of unfolding. Fusing and Robots embedded with precision Health-scan platforms can remove the need for any ID, Password, Medical records, Credit or Debit cards/cryptocurrencies, as well as predict your health and even schedule deep delta sleep.
In any emerging technology relying on digital transmissions, cybersecurity will be essential.
For sure, bearing a password as a route for accessing this new Universe will be too primitive, obsolete and unsecure. Overall, the generation and protection of data growing within this novel Universe will involve the establishment of unprecedented engineered health and cyber-secure Biometrics.
Prof. Carlo Ventura, M.D., Ph.D. Cofounder RJ. HILTON, Chief Scientist, Co-Chairman of Board of ÉlpisÉremo Inc., He is a Full Professor of Molecular Biology at the School of Medicine of the University of Bologna, Italy. Chief of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Stem Cell Engineering of the National Institute of Biostructures and Biosystems (NIBB- INBB: www.inbb.it)
James Ryan, Cofounder of RJ. HILTON, Chief Executive Officer ÉlpisÉremo Inc. pioneer in regenerative medicine
Chuck Brooks, Cofounder of RJ. HILTON, Co-Founder, ÉlpisÉremo

Chuck Brooks is a globally recognized thought leader and evangelist for Cybersecurity and Emerging Technologies. LinkedIn named Chuck as one of “The Top 5 Tech People to Follow on LinkedIn”. He was named by Thompson Reuters as a “Top 50 Global Influencer in Risk, Compliance,” and by IFSEC as the “#2 Global Cybersecurity Influencer” in 2018. He is also a Cybersecurity Expert for “The Network” at the Washington Post, Visiting Editor at Homeland Security Today, and a Contributor to FORBES. In government, Chuck has received two senior Presidential appointments. Under President George W. Bush Chuck was appointed to The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as the first Legislative Director of The Science & Technology Directorate at the Department of Homeland Security. He also was appointed as Special Assistant to the Director of Voice of America under President Reagan. He served as a top Advisor to the late Senator Arlen Specter on Capitol Hill covering security and technology issues on Capitol Hill. In local government, he also worked as an Auxiliary Police officer for Arlington, Virginia. In industry, Chuck has served in senior executive roles for General Dynamics as the Principal Market Growth Strategist for Cyber Systems, at Xerox as Vice President & Client Executive for Homeland Security, for Rapiscan and Vice President of R & D, for SRA as Vice President of Government Relations, and for Sutherland as Vice President of Marketing and Government Relations. In academia, Chuck is Adjunct Faculty at Georgetown University’s Applied Intelligence Program and graduate Cybersecurity Programs where he teaches courses on risk management, homeland security, and cybersecurity. He was an Adjunct Faculty Member at Johns Hopkins University where he taught a graduate course on homeland security for two years. He has an MA in International relations from the University of Chicago, a BA in Political Science from DePauw University, and a Certificate in International Law from The Hague Academy of International Law.